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I have created Ashley Cole Studio LLC as a way to share my art with the world. With each new piece created I learn something new both about myself and my craft. I work with many different mediums to keep the creative juices flowing and my interest peaked. Each piece has its challenges and I often struggle to find my way through to the end, however if I push myself and keep persistent a beautiful painting emerges that I get to share with you!


I took art classes throughout my whole high school career and almost went to university to become an art teacher. My path ended up taking another route and now I enjoy creating in one form or another during all my free time. I am continuously trying new things outside of my comfort zone, relearning skills I had lost, and taking inspiration from the world around me.


Most of my pieces are nature inspired and in a more realistic style. However, my art evolves with me and I hope you follow along and enjoy the journey!

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